Which 'Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star' Character Are You?'s Fan Box

Monday, August 17, 2009

ClockMan.EXE's Real Identity?

While searching the internet in Japan, my friend Dean (GoldenMegaEXE- the creator of project stream) saw another teaser for Operate Shooting Star on the Japanese secret satellite server.

Here was a message from Clark, the wizard welcoming you there:
"A while back I mentioned something about a "program that can control time" but it seems like they somehow completed a prototype! Then, Ace comes to me and asks of all things 'Clark, if you’d like, would you want that program installed in you?' It seems to be for data collecting, but to get a program like that installed… I get kind of a special feeling. Hmm, but why would Ace choose me? "

Is this a clue that Ace installs the program in Clark turning him into a netnavi. Not just any netnavi but ClockMan.EXE. This also means that ClockMan.EXE is one of the good guys unless Wily takes control of him when they get to 20XX, which is highly unlikely seeing that the technology in ClockMan -if it is Clark- is too advanced for Wily to manipulate.

Clark could be ClockMan.EXE in RockMan.EXE: Operate Shooting Star. Arthur C. Eos is quite possibly the one to thank. Why was Clark chosen?

In this screenshot from the game Clockman.EXE (Clark?) could actually be giving our four protagonists (MegaMan.EXE, MegaMan SF, Roll.EXE, and HarpNote) a mission to stop WWW or some other threat, giving them 32 hours, 8 minutes and 12 seconds to complete it before the worst happens. So it is a really high possibility that ClockMan is one of the good guys.

Please comment.

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